Homeopathy Malvern Max Mainini LCPH

What does a Homeopathic consultation involve?

The consultations take place in a comfortable, relaxed and friendly environment. The first time you come along for a consultation, we spend an hour talking through the specific symptoms you have, how long you have had them and other health related questions. During this time you will have a unique opportunity to talk confidentially about how you are feeling.

Any questions I ask will help me get a good understanding of who you are and more importantly, why you feel the way you do, whether it be a physical symptom or an emotional one.

We all inherit weaknesses and susceptibilities from our parents, so information on your health history as well as that of your family are also explored as these invariably show how you have got to your current state of health.

Once Homeopathic treatment has started, follow-up appointments take place once a month, lasting 30mins each. These typically continue until you are feeling better. Changes and improvements are generally seen between each meeting and for the more chronic cases a minimum of four appointments is recommended. To stay well, you can then have periodic check-ups to maintain your level of well-being.

For free initial advice on whether I can help you email me here

Appointments can be booked on 07976 239 855, direct with the Clinics

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